Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Day of April

There is something very lovely about sleeping in the afternoon!! I may complete reading the whole Bhagwad Gita from 3 in the afternoon till 7 evening, but I don't think it will be able to give me the same sweet pleasure as sleeping in those very same 4 hours. Its pure ecstasy.

The days are passing by uselessly before the Endsems. Like most other people in college, I haven't studied a word for the exams. I hope I start today.

Today in particular I was amazed at a quality of mine, and how it is eating into my daily time. a huge chunk of it.

Laziness (also called indolence) is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative. Chronic laziness may be an underlying psychological condition.

I find it to be like a stone on my chest, which forbids me to do whatever it is that i want to do, even if its something I like,such as playing basketball,or the guitar and so on.
Its almost like a powerful spell, that magically forbids your actions and paralyzes your will power to do anything.

I've tried various things to change it, like making to-do's, subconscious affirmations, motivational thoughts, and god knows what. But it's something which has still clung to me, like the sins of past life.

Had I been a follower of the Christian faith i would be doing a sin, since it is one of the seven deadly sins! of the faith. I find it amusing that it is being seen in the same light as lust or envy.

But let us give it another perspective.
Why is it a sin to be lazy? Eventually you'll feel the deadline pressure on you and you'll complete the task before the deadline somehow. Then why was it wrong to be lazy and procrastinate the work?At least you were being your true self.

This is another one of the things I think i need to find the answers to. Please comment and help me find the answer.

Before signing off, i have this lovely story to share, don't remember though where i read it..

"During winter, while the ant was savoring the food it had stored in the summer,the grass hopper died in the cold outside, for all he had done in the summer was play his violin and download free internet porn"