Saturday, May 1, 2010


As days are passing by, i am myself amazed.

I never knew, that days could be wasted like these. Its an innovation in its own right!

Anyhu, all thanks to my roomie Ramit, I'm hooked to this new song by Pink Floyd. Its called Us and Them. It's from their album 'Dark Side of The Moon'. The Saxophone solos in the song give it a very Soft Jazz-blues Nightclub type feeling. Its one of those songs, listening to which i like to feel happy about life.
Either I reminisce good memories, or take a stock of what's going in life or don't think anything at all.
And you may find it amusing that it is actually a song on war. Highly Recommended.

I came across a newspaper article yesterday, which said "Shimoga to have FM channel". Shimoga btw is a place in Karnataka.
That got me imagining, how cool would it be if Manipal University owned an FM station.

Another reason for this thought is the episode from How i Met your mother, in which Ted Mosby recalls how he ran a radio station in college by the name of Mr. X( which no one followed).

Having a college radio station will make lives awesome!! All announcements can be made public. It has happened so many times that you miss out on official deadlines because you couldn't go to the office to read the notice. The radio will be a lovely way of bridging the gap b/w the college and the students.

No. 2-- Event publicity. With so many events that take place in the campus of our college as well as other colleges of the university, its not possible to know their details, cause you may have missed out on the poster somewhere.
Announcements on Radio will make it available to everyone.

No. 3 -- awesome entertainment....!! I heard this from someone, that Manipal is such a small and boring place and by the end of your 4 years here, you would have tried weed, alcohol, smoking etc. and i think one of the reason that university gives laptops is to keep students away from drugs and alcohol.
So if radio is available, it will be such an awesome platform for people. Different channels can have different shows on music, movies art, and so on. Students can participate by becoming RJ's, performing on Air, comedy items and loads of other things which i cannot even imagine right now. It will be a huge amalgamating factor. (isn't the word amalgamating cool!?!)

No.4 Moolah!! much money can be earned from having the radio channels. New restaurants, Bars, Hookah joints or anything that opens up in manipal can advertise to the students. In fact, clubs can have their shows, and in them they can squeeze ads. This will help them raise funds, and save them the trouble of going begging to shops around the college.

These are basically all points i can think of right now.....

Please comment if you have any more.....