Monday, May 3, 2010

The Walk of Life

Although the heading of the post might indicate the name of a lovely Dire Straits song, what I really want to suggest with this post is that everyone should go for a daily walk.

It had been one of those on and off things. Although I always felt light after taking a walk, never actually stuck to the habit/routine of taking a daily one.
But that was till things started getting really muddy. At this stage of life, when everything is so confusing, I mean your aim in life, your identity in the society, and so many other things, taking a walk almost clears up your entire mind. Imagine yourself walking on a path , when you encounter a huge obstacle, a dense forest. Now its impossible to see through the forest. Take a walk. You'll feel as if you are flying in a hot air balloon, and would have attained enough altitude to see over the forest, and see the right path through it.

Possible explanations I can give:

1) Healthy body-healthy mind waali philosophy : No matter how much papa-type it may sound but this is actually very true...It accelerates positive thinking, basically healthy thinking

2) You see new things, you smell new scents, you experience new sights, you hear new things. all of these bring freshness to the mind. It then goes on to tackle the problem with a new approach.

3) You might see a person of the opposite gender, who is so hot and now you are inspired to solve the problem yourself.

4) You might run into an enemy and then see him/her happy, and so you resolve to become happier by solving the problem

5) You might run into Mimoh Chakravarthy who will give you 2 options: Solve your problem or watch my movie " Jimmy"...i'm sure you'll choose the former

Its 2358....i would really love to post more idiotic reasons but my net closes in 2 min....damn!!